
USAID: Presntation, Study of Logo and Ads, and Applying the Christensen’s Criteria

I- Presentation of the USAID and USAID-Morocco

The United States, being one of the most powerful countries in the world –even with the actual economic crisis- has always worked in helping other countries in different fields in order to satisfy the basic needs of those people. In fact, the USAID is a branch of the United States Foreign Policy and Foreign Assistance, representing and being the mark of the United States in the world. It has been created in 1961, after the Marshall Plan and the decision of reconstruction of Europe after the WWII (USAID, 2009).

In fact, at the same time, the European states had created the European Steal and Coal Community in 1951 (a pre-European Union Community), with main goal to focus on economic and development fields in the European Union, but also in the ex-formal colonial countries, as Algeria, Tunisia, and other countries around the world (Wouters.J & Naert. F, 2001). The United States, not accepted in this new community, developed new programs and initiatives, as the development of the USAID. Since then, the USAID has been one of the main US agencies to assist countries in need in different fields of work. Indeed, the USAID is targeting the agricultural sector, helping countries which major economic wealth is based on that area. Moreover, the aim of the USAID is to defend and promote democracy and governance. In fact, it provided help for the respect of Human Rights and rule of law, less corrupted elections, development of an active civil society, and the promotion of free and independent press (USAID, 2009).

The USAID is also focusing on the economic growth and trade area, in order for poor countries to get more developed and to reduce the extreme poverty. It also focus on the educational sector, in order to decrease the rate of illiteracy in some regions in the world, since literacy –the ability to read and to write- is the basic principle for today’s world and for a total integration in the workplace (USAID, 2009). The USAID is also working in the health sector in order to provide people with better condition and quality of life, and decreasing the rate of people suffering. There is also the field of humanitarian assistance, helping people who lived or still living in civil wars, famine strikes, natural catastrophes, and any country facing a crisis (USAID, 2009).
The USAID is providing help and assistance in different regions of the world, as the Sub-Saharan countries, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and Eurasia, and the Middle East. In other words, the USAID is providing help in the entire five continents (USAID, 2009) -with the exception of Australia, being wealthy, democratic, and powerful enough-.

The USAID has opened a regional office in Morocco, in order to help the country in different areas. In fact, it works with the Moroccan government in order to develop its economic wealth. It helps Morocco to face the challenges in order to improve the free trades sector, notably the free trade with the US, signed in 2006, the free trade and the “Status Avancé” signed with the European Union, and other economic agreements signed with other countries (USAID/Morocco, 2009). It also provides help in the educational system. In fact, Morocco is facing the illiteracy problem, and the USAID is working in order to improve the quality of the education, and makes sure that the Moroccan youth is studying; helping their integration after graduation in the workplace (USAID/Morocco, 2009). It also provides support in the democratic field. In fact, the USAID is promoting democracy and the participation of the civil society in politics. It encourages public debates and awareness of people about the political life of their country (USAID/Morocco, 2009).

The implementation of the USAID in Morocco is also an opportunity for the United States to have a direct contact with both African and Muslim countries. In fact, even if Morocco is still ranked by the Human rights and Democracy European and American barometers (as the Freedom’s House) as being far from the expected level, it is the most moderate and open African and Muslim country able to convey the right message about the United States. Moreover, the geographic location of Morocco in the world allows an extended promotion of the USAID (and the US identity) in Africa and the Middle East, as well as in Europe.

Mission Statement: “Create a more secure, democratic, and prosperous world for the benefit of the American people and the International Community”.
This mission statement has been developed by the US Department of State, working on diplomatic relations. In fact, the US believes that its freedom is best protected by ensuring the security of others. Moreover, the security of the country relies on a global movement and actions to secure the rights of all. The aim of the US is to use its power in order to advance security, democracy and prosperity in the world (US Department of State, 2009).

II- The USAID Logo

From the USAID perspective, their agency is characterizing a brand (USAID, 2009). In fact, in its legislation, the Assistance Act of 1961 presented the USAID as being the “American aid” (USAID Branding, 2009). However, since the terrorist attack of 09/11, the USAID has been incorporated into the UN National Security Strategy (USAID Branding, 2009) in fact, the United States wanted to improve their image in the world, and be related to good actions. For these reasons, a slogan has been added to the logo “From the American people”, in order for the populations of other countries in the world to identify and relate the good actions and the assistance received to the American government and people. Moreover, since the Tsunami of 2004/2005, the USAID thought of a new branding identification, in order to give a more positive image of the Americans, and increase the positive opinion that people might have or not about the United States.
Indeed, this new brand image developed by the USAID has been explained. The logo is remained the same; the slogan “From the American people” represents the brand mark; and the USAID name represents the brand name (USAID Branding, 2009).
What can be said in addition is that the USAID recognize itself and is recognized by others as a brand. The name itself “USAID”, is composed of two words: US and AID, literally showing that the aid or assistance is given by the US government. Moreover, the slogan added to the logo “From the American people”, is showing in a more precise way that the help/assistance is offered by the American government, a way to make their work and efforts visible by other countries. The Americans want to show their goodwill to help other countries in the world, giving the image of humanity, compassion and helpful people to counter the existing bad image they receive from countries overseas.

Furthermore, concerning the colors used in the Logo of the USAID, they chose the red, blue and white colors, identifying with the colors of the American flag. We can also see a part of the American flag, with the stars and colors represented as they are in the authentic American flag. There is also, at the middle of the logo, the two hands crossed, giving the meaning of help and assistance to people in need of it, but also the meaning of fraternity, share, acceptance and solidarity. Moreover, the colors used have specific meanings. In fact, the red color is representing speed, strength, determination and courage. Moreover, it is the highest color of the rainbow. In the American flag, this color has been used as a symbol of bravery and valor. This color represents totally the spirit of the American identity, and the wish to convey it in its work through the USAID use of the American flag and colors. The blue color symbolizes loyalty, honor, and professionalism. In a general sense, it also symbolizes aids intuition; in the American flag, the blue is representing justice and perseverance. This color corresponds to the USAID spirit of help to others, and the importance of Human Rights and Democracy principles they want to spread in the globe. The last color used is the white. This color represents purity, and peace. In the American flag, it has been used as a religious connotation to the Madonna. In the humanitarian aids field, the presence of the white in the USAID logo is a way to show their goodwill to help and create harmony in the world. There is also the presence of stars. In the American flag, stars are the symbol of the heavens and the divine goal to which man has aspired from time immemorial. However, the presence of only seven stars in the USAID logo has no explanation so far. In fact, the first US flag counted 13 stars, more than what appeared in the USAID logo.

III- Christensen’s Criteria of advertisements’ analysis

The USAID-Morocco has developed a series of advertisements in order to promote their objectives and their agency in Morocco, in order for the Moroccan population to be convinced by this agency and realize the hard work the USAID is doing in the country.
I selected some advertisements posters the USAID made in Morocco, and analyzed them in the scope of Christensen’s criteria.
Advertisement poster 1 and 2:

The sender of these ads is the USAID agency in Morocco. It can be said that the sender (USAID) is not directly speaking to people, but more presenting the actions and initiatives taken by the agency. It is indirectly speaking to the population, by presenting facts. The goals of the USAID s to show the accomplishment of the agency, showing what they have done in the country, and showing that their work is bringing results and improvement in specific fields in the country, as the educational field, the participation of the civil society in the political sphere and the illiteracy problem that is facing a certain rate of the population. Moreover, it is using present and modern images, as using women in front of computers, showing the modernity of the country, and its development.

An important point has been made in those two advertisements. In fact, Morocco, even not being what we call an Islamic country, still is a Muslim country. The USAID is promoting and advertising their efforts and work and sending to people, being the receivers, the appropriate message in an appropriate manner. In fact, women being represented in these ads are all veiled women. It has been done in order to avoid communication problems, especially with religious people who might reject and denounce the ad if they feel that it is not appropriate. However, the ads are representing and using veiled women, symbolizing in a certain way, what people in Morocco wants to see. In fact, these messages are done for low and middle class Moroccans, in need of education or any other kind of assistance who might contact the USAID for help. They have to feel a certain belonging in order to be confident, approve and recognize the work of the USAID, and contact them.

Advertisement poster 3:
The advertisement poster below is another example of ads created and developed by the USAID. This message is essentially send by the USAID to Moroccan women. In fact, this ad has been created in association with women working in centers and associations helping women in difficulties. The message is clear: explaining and presenting the reforms that have been done for women. They also used drawing pictures, which have been drawn by Moroccan women themselves as the title suggested: “Les femmes dessinent la nouvelle Moudawana”. It can be seen as an indirect message, but it will sensitize all Moroccan women, and especially those facing problems as the ones suggested in the ads. For example, they target women/ young girls above fifteen years old who have been forced to marriage, presenting the new law stating that girls below eighteen cannot longer get married.
They also presented the end of polygamy, and the rights of divorced mothers in charge of the children to keep the house (as it was not the case before, and the woman with her children was homeless). In addition, they presented the abolition of obedience of women towards their husbands. In general, they targeted the issues that affect the most the Moroccan women. It is true that the new Moudawana has been a project developed and made into practice by the Moroccan government; however, the USAID, by developing this ad, is showing to the Moroccan women their help, and their support to the Moroccan women’s causes. Moreover, it can be seen that the ad is presenting in three different languages: French, Arabic, and Amazigh. They show their understanding of the Moroccan culture and ethnic diversity that exist in the country. They also used many colors in this ad, putting joy and happiness to it, since it represents the sense of this ad: happiness and achievement of women in Morocco.